Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Grid way of growing, learning

One way to grow is to learn and one way to learn is to think of going from the present to the possible,  moving from where we are to where we can be.

One way to know where we are is to use a grid - a two by two diagram.

I got the inspiration from Jo-Hari window.  I have developed  over 100 items in the past few years.

One that I found particularly useful is the following:

I know and I do - quadrant one
I know but I don't do - quadrant two
I do not know but I do - quadrant three
I do not know and I do not do - quadrant four.

The first quadrant is power, performance.
The second is potential - it calls for awareness and action.
The third is dicey - it calls for effort to remove the chaff from the grain.
The fourth is for the future.

Having established in which quadrant I am,
I ask questions like the following to capitalise further.
Where am I NOW?
How long have I been there?
Am I moving?
In what direction?
At possible tempo?

That way, I get pointers for action, for learning, for growth.

To recall, in the Jo-Hari window, we have the four quadrants:
I know - You know
I know - You don't know
I don't know - You know
I don't know -  You don't know.

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