Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spirit at Work Creative Video Contest

Dear Friend, you or any of your friend may be interested in this novel contest,
hence the following:
About spirituality and the workplace globally.

We've gone live with our Spirit at Work Creative Video Contest with prizes of $7,500, $3,500 and $2,000.  We're asking you to make a short video on what spirituality and work is, or how you would promote it in a workplace.  (There is no cost to enter.)
Martin Rutte
Chair of the Board

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Let go as a strategy

Let go as a strategy

It may help.

It may.

At times.

I want what I want the way I want – this stand is worth reconsidering.

It may not show one/s firmness, one’s strength.

On the contrary.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Life Unexamined

Life unexamined

Is not worth living, Socrates said.

We can continue as we ever did, after examining.

If however we do not examine, we will continue to do as we ever did.

With all its consequences.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Inclusive and Exclusive

Because of historical, geographical and other reasons, we happen to be exclusive societies.

It is possible, in current days and times, to be inclusive.

This calls for effort though.

It “pays” to be exclusive

It pays to be inclusive too.

The later seems to be more paying.

One focuses on the known.

The other takes into account the currently unknown too.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Impatience & Self Satisfaction


What is is.

What is not is not.

How does it help to get impatient?


A common phenomenon.

It is as well.

Otherwise there can be a lot of turbulence

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Yearly Feedback

To all members of a team, it may be well to give a feedback.

This feedback can be given by each member of the team. 

It may take the form of answering a question or two

What are you doing that helps the team?

What are you doing that hinders the team?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

If we are not alert

Religion divides people into ours and others.

Once that is done, the mischief can begin.

The mischief is that you can hurt them any way you like.

 They are by our definition non-people.

Monday, February 20, 2012

On Perception and Grace


Seems more operative than intention.

Intention and logic are not equal.

We can give with grace.

We can receive with grace.

I say because some do not exercise this privilege.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

More important than doing

Doing something is more important than doing nothing.

Doing consistently and regularly is even more important.

Results accrue not with a single shot.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Go No Go People

Some people think it has to be go or no-go.

They do not readily concede there is a third way,

A workable way.