Sunday, March 27, 2016


The  more responsible  our job  ,  the more important it is for us to develop and sharpen our skills of communication especially when  a fair amount of  our time  is spent in  the  communication activity
Expressed arithmetically, AT/OT = PT
AT being   the audience time, OT  being our time and PT being  the  preparation time our message deserves.

If our Aim  is to raise our communication skills
Let us reflect on our present communication ability.
Where are we now –at  what % of our potential –
If we raise it, what will be the  benefit to all concerned?

What is the one thing  I want to learn more of?
What is the  one problem  I frequently face in communication?

Effectiveness is partly in our hands. Misunderstandings happen
Do I Always Review, analyse and learn  in order  to avoid/reduce miscommunication?
I have to become aware of breakdowns and my contribution to the  misunderstanding.  
I have also to  take effort and  responsibility  for  raising the effectiveness in communication.

More to follow on this subject.

Monday, February 15, 2016


All three are important – the creation, the maintenance and the dissolution of productive activities …The easier and more popular one is maintenance. This aspect of Trimurti is important.  This is where things happen and continue to happen.  The wealth generation happens here more . ..This has however to be balanced  with the other two beneficial aspects… one is creation – new products,  now processes, new market, new opportunities  have to be sought and found.  This gives news life to the second Trimurti aspect.  While doing efficiently is important, doing what is effective is equally important, if not more… the dissolution is more difficult than the creation…we develop an attachment  for what we have and this keeps us from the shiva aspect and Brahma aspect of reality… especially in older organisations…the mother explained: this is what he sees in the cartoon strip.  The authors of the strip may not have visualised the consequences I suppose.  Their aim was excitement perhaps … the children see with curiosity and with attention.  What do we make available for them to see.  How do we want to  shape their being?

Sunday, February 7, 2016



To the customer the big truth the moving truth
Is the quality of experience
With one of your representatives i
In person
By letter or over the phone.
Your ads and glassy annual reports
Matter – but little.

When I get the experience you care for me
You value my person/presence
I feel loyal to you
I will promote you
I will influence others in your favour.

Just as I can do it positively
I can do it negatively too.

The moment of truth determines my direction-
At least heavily influences          
the direction.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Who is a customer? - 1

Finding a customer;   feeding a customer;
Who is a customer for us or anybody?
Who are our customers, major ones and loyal ones?
What are their needs, wants and expectations?
How do we know them?
Assumptions beliefs verified recently
How are we meeting them? according to us; according  to them;
When and how did we ascertain?
Are their gaps and are gaps closing/widening?
Why care for them – and how?
Survival/competitive reasons
Success/economic ones
What is the aim of business?
The aim of everyone in the organisation
To win/get a customer and to keep a customer
No customer no business
No growing customer no prosperous business
The purpose/aim of any business
Profit a byproduct
Give, take, make, need, meet, transact
Understanding the psychology of our customer
Our people as a customer one way
He is like us human, uniquely human
General needs/special needs
Let us analyse our experience as a customer
Feeling level/decision level
We have a need/want
We go to help to have that need met
Someone offer to meet those needs
Technical dimension/human dimension
eg., insurance/restaurant
Functions – technical, economic, emotional
Options and how we exercise
In whose favour 
He gets surplus of money
We get surplus of satisfaction
We will like him to buy
Instead of our having to sell
Whatever is important  to him – no one asked
Dealing with reality, customer reality
Like it or not/ like it ,enjoy and serve